Login to Controller Domain
>>ldm list
>>telnet 0 5000
>>echo |format
>>echo |format |grep -I 60050768XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
where 60050768XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the LUN ID
If present then format and label the same
>>format 60050768XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
type la and then y , then quit by typing q
If not present then check for fabric devices
>>cfgadm -al
>>cfgadm -c configure c5 and so on
>>devfsadm -Cv
>>echo |format |grep -I 60050768XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Label the disk
>>format 60050768XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
>>ldm list-services
>>ldm add-vds new-vds
>>ldm add-vdsdev /dev/rdsk/60050768XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_disk1@newvds
>>ldm list-services
>>ldm add-vdisk disk1 disk1@newvds Ldom-name
>>ldm list-services
>>ldm add-config config_name
Login to the LDOM
Check for the last disk (LUN ID ) to compare and match if it's the same disk
>>echo |format
format the new disk
zpool list
zpool create SamplePool disk_name (use the new disk here)
zfs create -o quota=50g SamplePool/partition1
zfs create -o quota=35g SamplePool/partition2
zfs create -o quota=10g SamplePool/partition3
zfs create -o quota=5g SamplePool/partition4
zfs create -o quota=15g SamplePool/partition5
zfs create -o quota=135g SamplePool/partition6
ZFS by default provisions a mountpoint for each and every partition you create.
For a more customised and meaningful partition name (as per your requirement ) you can use the following command:
zfs set mountpoint=/Partition1 SamplePool/partition1
zfs set mountpoint=/Partition2 SamplePool/partition2
zfs set mountpoint=/partition3 SamplePool/partition2
zfs set mountpoint=/Partition4 SamplePool/partition4
zfs set mountpoint=/Partition5 SamplePool/partition5
zfs set mountpoint=/Partition6 SamplePool/partition6
To check the partitions created you created:
df -h
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